Frequently Asked Questions


You can find, on our mane page of this website, the following quote: Keep in touch.

Every country has is own entities and materials about this topic. Make sure that you use trustworthy information and websites, as the school page, phsychologist association of your country, government webpages or regional and national education departments.

If you feel you are a target of aggressive behaviors that happen repeatedly and on purpose probably you are a victim. Talk with your parent, teacher or school counselor about it to know more.

The first step is to learn about the situation. Talk to the student and learn about what has been happening. Document any evidence that is available.

Next, you will want to find the school’s bullying policy and use that as a guide to learn about how you can report the bullying behavior. Becoming familiar with the school’s bullying policy will allow you to learn about how the school will respond.

Next, you will want to communicate with the school, provide evidence, and provide a detailed account of what has occurred. It is always best to work collaboratively with the school and to develop a plan to support the student. It is important to continue to communicate with the student, let them know that it is not their fault, and follow their lead in creating a plan that feels safe for them.

After creating a plan with the school, continue to check in with your student and the school to monitor progress.

Teachers are expected to follow a set of ethical principles as put forth by law and local school policy. If a student is being bullied by a teacher or school administrator, the first step is to learn about the situation and document the incidents. Next, you will want to show what you have collected to the school administrator and outline how the student has been a victim. If the school is not responsive, you must reach the superior entities responsible for education in the region/country.

Some parents are afraid that they will face retaliation (being treated worse) if they report bullying from a teacher. It is important to note that parents and students are protected from retaliation. You will want to document any instances of retaliation that occurs in the case that you may need to file and additional report.

First, ensure that that you followed the instructions to report the case in schiil. If your school is not responding, you may contact responsable entites for education in your region/country.

If it’s not distribute in the beggining of the school year, you can allways ask in the school for a printed or digital copy of the internal regulamentation of the school. The school counselor could also help you.

Cyberbullying is complex as phenomen and because it’s more difficult regulate or legislate. First of all you should search for the existent laws in the country and school procedures. There is not an easy way to determine what the school’s policy is in regard to cyberbullying that occurs outside school grounds. Most schools respond to cyberbullying if it disrupts the learning environment. To better understand the bullying or cyberbullying that occurs outside school grounds, it will be important to contact your local district administrator for guidance.

Country laws protect students from being bullied based on a protected status. It is important to document all of the occurrences that have happened and provide a detailed account to your school. If you feel the school has not addressed the bullying, you can allways search for education entities, or organizations that receive complaints about the specific topic of discrimination. You may also contact your school district’s title IX coordinator or NDE for additional guidance.

Before advising the student to fight back, it is important to be aware of your school’s discipline policy. Fighting back could result in additional consequences by the school. It is important to have preventative strategies that may lead to a physical altercation. Each school is unique in their policy, and it is important to identify your school’s discipline policy and identify their expectations for students if they are physically attacked.

If threats are made toward the student or the bullying is unlawful, it is recommended that you contact your local law enforcement. Contacting local law enforcement is important if your student is in immediate harm. They will provide resources and guidance on the steps you can follow. This also includes unlawful behavior that occurs during cyberbullying.