MOJU – Associação Movimento Juvenil em Olhão - Portugal
The Organization MOJU – Associação Movimento Juvenil em Olhão was founded on the 16th October, 2007 in Olhão, Portugal.
The Organization MOJU – Associação Movimento Juvenil em Olhão was founded on the 16th October, 2007 in Olhão, Portugal.
MOJU is a youth organization which works at local level, is non-profit making, and independent of all political, syndicalism or religious affiliation.
The aims of the organization are:
– Encourage active youth participation in society, directly or indirectly;
– Develop (inter)cultural, educational, social, sportive, recreational and environmental activities aimed at the overall development of young people in Olhão’s municipality;
– Promote discussion and dissemination of information about the needs and aspirations of Olhão’s municipality youth, to contribute to the development and implementation of appropriate local policies;
– To collaborate with public and private, national and international entities, aiming the development and implementation of the objectives described above.
MOJU aims to contribute to the development of a space where young people can express their opinions and participate in decision processes, in an active and sustainable way. We believe that youth involvement in the development of active participation in society is essential to increase the feeling of belonging and to promote a better quality of life of youngsters in their communities.
MOJU is composed of a group of people who believe in the importance of youth participation in building society and these fourteen years were marked by strong growth of the Association, now the youth mark of our city. Nowadays we have over 400 members (people over 14 years) and many partnerships with public and private entities at the local and regional level.
YEU - Youth for Exchange and Understanding International AISBL – Bélgica
Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is an international Non-Governmental Youth Organization established in 1986.
It is a member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) and Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) in Brussels and considered as a European level non-governmental youth organization by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
The aims of YEU are:
– To realize youth activities to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world, both between and within continents, particularly by
encouraging the exchange of information, ideas and opinions;
– To promote co-operation and mutual aid in the developed and the developing countries for cultural, educational and social purposes;
– To work towards resolving conflicts and promotion of peaceful societies through recognition and respect for others;
– To improve the relationships and promote tolerance among young people of different cultural or political realities;
– To work together on issues related to protection of the environment and sustainability;
– To support and promote the health and well-being of young people in order to improve quality of life;
– To encourage the active involvement of all young people in society without distinction because of race, social status, educational levels or any other disadvantage.
YEU’s mission is to promote peace and to increase tolerance and awareness between different countries, cultures and traditions, and to promote a greater level of comprehension.
The mission of the organization is achieved through the development of youth exchanges, seminars, conventions, meetings, study visits and training courses based on the principles of non-formal education, experiential learning and self-directed learning. In addition to that, YEU constantly analyzes the needs of young people all over Europe and aims to address them through the projects which organizes. YEU also pays a lot of attention in creating youth policies, participating in important youth events on European level and producing educative manuals.
At the moment the network includes 33 different youth organizations from 28 European and neighboring countries.
CID – Center for Intercultural Dialogue Association - Macedónia (antiga República da Jugoslávia)
Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is a non-governmental, non-profit youth-led organization that works on national level in North Macedonia
The organization is youth-led, thus our work focuses on many aspects which are of interest for young people: from provision of services and information, to research and support for policy-making and networking. CID is working to create diverse responsible and cooperative communities, where citizens are actively contributing to the social development and integration. Our mission is to ensure sustainable community development by creating opportunities for quality engagement of civil society, advancing learning opportunities, and active involvement of young people and other citizens.
APY - Armenian Progressive Youth NGO – Arménia
Armenian Progressive Youth (APY) was founded in Yerevan, Armenia in 2009 by a group of young people.
Today it grew up into a big organization which counts many local and international volunteers, hundreds of members and followers, thousands of direct and indirect beneficiaries from Armenia and all over Europe.
Armenian Progressive Youth NGO (APY) has been working with young people since for 10 years. Our mission is to promote active citizenship and active political and economic participation of young people in civic life, to economically empower marginalized youth and promote youth entrepreneurship, to increase the activism of young people and contribute to the development of civil society in Armenia. APY aims to bring positive changes into Armenia through active engagement of young people in the society. APY has implemented around 300 local, national and transnational projects involving 25000 young people from Armenia. The main experience of the organization lies within the areas of education for active citizenship, youth economic empowerment, active participation and civic education. We are championing especially for the inclusion of NEET, marginalized youth and rural young people. The organization pursues several goals which are also strongly connected to the areas covered by the project. Organization aims at:
• fostering active citizenship and youth participation by improving understanding of democratic values and principles among young people;
• building capacities of youth and providing personal and professional growth through non-formal education and volunteering programs;
• stimulating accessibility of young people to non-formal education opportunities and enhancing transparency in youth work;
• strengthening educational and intercultural exchange between youth of Armenia and the EU;
Within our current programming we support young people to build their capacity through providing capacity development trainings on entrepreneurship and fostering soft skills. In the long run, we aim to foster the employability and self-employability of our young population in Armenia thereby decreasing the levels of poverty, urbanization and migration to urban centres and increasing youth participation and integration in social, civic, political and economic domains.